Services Diagnostic Treatment
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Diagnostic Treatment PlanningDiagnostic Wax-Ups Diagnostic wax-ups go above and beyond to establish a protocol for your dental team. Function, occlusion, esthetics, materials, implants and design options are defined to conceive an outline for a sensational smile. Use our smile design to enhance your Chair-Side Temps Implant Guides. Articulator Systems We believe in the quality of mounted cases with precision instrumentation using the Panadent Earless Facebow developed by Dr. Kios and the Artex Rotofix Facebow developed by Girrbach at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Smile Design is not just for crowns and bridges. We apply the same principles to our removable prosthetics to create outstanding esthetics. Artex by Girbbach • Rotofix Facebow Dentures • Panadent Articulator
More information coming soon. Please contact Andrea Hegedus for more information about this service at: 231.799.6417 or